Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Life in Armenia

I'm back to writing after a long time. A weekday for me begins almost as soon as I wake up;I start school. Usually at 10:00 a.m. I take our dog for a walk. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I take basketball lessons. I know some of my teammates names;Artvazt,Artsum,Narek,and Tom(he speaks English).

(-in this picture is Narek, Artvatz, me, and Tom.)

Also the workers here extended our front porch.(Rocky is on the back porch.) In school I started health on Friday. I'm also starting tomorrow the final draft on a report on Benjamin Franklin. In history we are studing Western Europe.We have studied Spain,Portugal,Italy, and started France today.In arithmetic, we started geometry today. 36 more lessons left of 5th grade! Life in Armenia is fun.


  1. Sounds like you keep busy and like it. What was something you found interesting about Benjamin Franklin?

  2. Benjamin Franklin's mother had a really weird name, like Abiah, something like that. He played a bunch of tricks. He was a practical joker. I can send you a copy of my report! :)
